Saturday, 29 November 2008

dodgy video alert

I took this small bit of movie footage as a laugh using my webcam.

The walls go up!

As you can see i've finally got to the build part of the project. Apart from one moment when it refused to stay together and resemble anything like a hexagon, it is now drying nicely. Now that it is part built i can see just how much smaller it is than i first thought, already i have purchased an item for it that is way too big and out of scale.

Next step before i add the front panel and the two hinged doors is to stain and cut to size the 'beams' for the two ceilings, then i have sufficient space to add them. Following that, i have to make a decision about the lighting. Which reminds me that my gothic candlesticks i purchased from eBay still have not arrived. Off i go to email the seller and find out why.

Friday, 21 November 2008

Become a follower not a leader

Hi Seraphicj and thanks for becoming a follower of my blog. Things are moving a bit slowly with the build at the moment as normal life interferes with all the fun. lol

Stones and sparkle - watch this space

Found myself passing Hobbycraft today so popped in to buy the stone paper that i wanted. Also got more dolls house magazines and other bits, I tell you that shop is so cool you could camp out in there for a week and not get bored.

Cost has gone up a bit with new items but it will be worth it in the end.

Painting the inside window edges is now done but just realised that whilst i had the paint open and mixed i never did the edges of the opening panels. Honestly, at this rate i will be drawing my pension before i get any wallpapering done.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Life intervenes and i change my mind

2 days later and i still haven't pasted a single sheet. Forgot that i have to paint the window rims with pink, best to do this before papering as then any over runs will be hidden.

Also had a another change of plan so have bought more wallpaper now for downstairs. Was advised by my great mates on the forum that it is fine to wallpaper over an existing painted wall so long as i sand it lightly first to help it 'key in'. So now am waiting on 2 sheets of wallpaper, i'll keep you guessing as to what they are like. Also, some strips of wood which i aim to use for making beams in the ceilings. And, from a separate site i have ordered a sheet of acetate in stained glass design. I'm not sure about curtains on the windows being a tower and having just holes in the walls so i will fit these which will be in keeping with the general theme of gothic. Then if i like them i may fit curtains later.

So plan of action is as follows:

1. Touch up pink around window sills and edges of panels, avoiding magnets
2. Wallpaper upstairs with fairy and wood panelling
3. Buy stone flooring papers from DHE
4. Wallpaper upstairs when paper arrives
5. Fix floor paper when it arrives
6. Plan, stain, measure, cut and fix 'beams' to ceilings, sanding parts for authenticity
7. Plan lighting and mark walls for drilling holes
8. Build dolls house and glue together.

And to think i foolishly thought that would happen this weekend! So much to do but hey when you enjoy something you dont want it to end anyway.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Paper and paste

My lovely faerie wallpaper arrived today from Minimum World along with a tub of paste. Also 2 sheets of wood effect paper for the floors. Can't wait to get papering now.

Still having problems deciding on downstairs, to paper or not to paper? I seem to get inspiration on these things rather than thinking them through so am waiting for my good faerie to assist with ideas.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Its faeries all the way

Just placed an order for wallpaper and flooring papers for both floors. I have gone with my original faeries design. Hopefully i may receive this order by Tuesday.

Not much more i can do to the Tower until then.

Cost update

£39.99 so far plus
£16.10 papers and paste

Total so far £ 56.09

Change of plan

True to form i have now decided to make the downstairs into a living room and the upstairs a bedroom. Problem is i have now painted the downstairs white. D'oh!

Am now looking for ideas to make the living room cosy. Plus i have to order some wallpaper for bedroom then i can get on with putting the tower together again.

The paint on the base has not come out as well as i'd hoped, may well have to go over it with a brush.

Friday, 14 November 2008

walls and ceiling today

I found some white satin finish paint in the shed today so that has gone on the internal walls downstairs for the herbalist/potions room and then decided to do the celings with that too and the steps leading from the tower to the garden.

Total cost so far still £39.99.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Fiddling on the roof

I have now finished the outside walls so it was time to tackle the nicely designed brick effect roof. Not having any roof colour paint i decided to do a spot of mixing with what i could come up with from the shed.

And here is the finished effect on the roof itself.

Using a sponge to apply the paint has made the job much more fun and has been so quick. Now i can get on planning the important things like interior decor.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

How I painted a dolls house

I have decided upon a pleasant shade of pink for the outside of the tower, and some dark brown woodstain for the window frames and the splendid front door. As I am trying to do this build on a smallish budget i have used paint that is languishing in the garden shed.

Costs so far:

Magical Mystery Tower Dolls House Kit £39.00
PVA glue £0.99

Paint £0.00
Woodstain £0.00

Enjoyment factor - priceless

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

The Magical Mystery Tower by DHE

Two days ago i purchased a dolls house or to be more specific a dolls tower. The Magical Mystery Tower is made by Dolls House Emporium.

Its made of MDF and is fairly easy to build. The hard work comes with painting, papering, designing, although its such great fun you can't really call it work.

Here it is after the first 'dry build'